Membership of The Streatham Society
If you are interested in joining please download an application form streatham_society_application_form._2024docx
or complete the membership request form with details of your address and telephone number and we will then contact you. Alternatively you can write directly to the Membership Secretary at 125, Thornlaw Road, West Norwood SE27 0SQ.
Please send an email to our Membership Secretary when you have paid your renewal subscription. Click here to send email
The annual subscription rate, payable by cheque made out to the Streatham Society, is £10 for individuals, £15 for a household and £180 for life membership for a household
We encourage members to pay their annual subscriptions by bank transfer- please ensure you include "your name- Sub". We still accept cash and cheques.
The Streatham Society's account is at Lloyds Bank, detail below.
(Our account is a business account which is a question some banks may ask you when making payment)
Sort Code 30-84-68
Account 39526068
The Society operates a privacy policy. Click here for details.
Gift Aid on membership subscriptions
Boost your subscription by 25p of Gift Aid for every £1 you donate including your membership subscription. Please download the file (word or pdf format) and complete and return by email to the Secretary- click here