Eldest son of Mr. C. Smith Mortimer of Hollowed and Dorking, by his wife Harriet, daughter of Mr. John Fuller, of Coulsdon and Croydon, and was born in Croydon. The family seat is Wigmore Castle and the family are related to the Royal Family
Educated at Rugby and on September 3rd, 1867, he married Elizabeth, daughter of the late Mr. Beriah Drew, of Streatham. They lived at "Woodfield' in the area of Abbotswood and the Spinney https://maps.nls.uk/geo/explore/side-by-side/...
Charles was Director of Great Western Northern and Eastern and Princetown Railway Company, and Justice of the Peace. The family of .Mortimer is descended from the Mortimers of Wigmore Castle.
He was Chairman man of the Female Orphan Asylum at Beddington. He has also rendered commendable philanthropic service as a member of the Committee of the Blind School of St. George's-in-the-Fields, Southwark.
He had Actuarial experience as Deputy Chairman of the Union Assurance Company.
The names Mortimer and Wigmore are found in a number of locations in Streatham eg Wigmore Lawn Tennis Club in Becmead Avenue