An Academic and Educator Dame Beryl Paston Brown was educated at Streatham Hill High School and Newnham College, Cambridge, where she was awarded Firsts in both parts of the English Tripos.
She was Principal of Homerton College, University of Cambridge 1961-71
She was born at 78 Ribblesdale Road, Streatham, the only daughter and elder child of Paston Charles Brown, bank clerk, and his wife, Florence May, née Henson. Her father claimed descent from the Pastons of the Paston letters. Her mother was related to Herbert Hensley Henson, bishop of Durham. (Joyce Skinner)
She is remembered at Streatham and Clapham High School where a "house" is named after her
Images © National Portrait Gallery (reproduced under the creative commons license )and Richard P. Cook the artist and ©Homerton College, University of Cambridge)