Ernest De Selincourt, (1870–1943), literary scholar, the third son of the four sons and three daughters of Charles Alexandre De Sélincourt, a clothing manufacturer, and his wife, Theodora Bruce Bendall. Agnes De Selincourt was his sister.
He was educated first at Huddersfield College and then in 1885 went to Dulwich College, where he played rugby and acquired a taste for the poetry of Wordsworth.
He matriculated at University College, Oxford, in 1890, moving in a circle of friends which included John Shawcross, who was the future editor of the first modern edition of Coleridge's Biographia literaria. He was Professor of Poetry at Oxford 1928-1933
Early in his career he taught in the ladies' department at KCL where Virginia Woolf was one of his students
Image Wikipedia and source Oxford DNB