She was one of the greatest stars of the early 20th century music hall. Born Flora May Augusta Flannagan, she was an Australian popular singer and entertainer.
She was born in Fitzroy, Melbourne, Australia in 1875. At the age of sixteen, she ran away from home to appear on the Sydney music hall stage, adopting the surname of her stepfather. At the age of 21 in 1897, she left for London, and on August Bank Holiday 1897, she made her first appearances in London at three music halls, the South London Palace, the Pavilion and the Oxford, in the course of one evening. She became an immediate star, making the first of her many sound recordings in 1903 and making 700 individual recordings by 1936.

She appeared in the very first Royal Command Performance in 1912. During World War I, her most famous songs were some of the best known of the period, including "Pack Up Your Troubles in Your Old Kit-Bag." (Find a Grave)