Active in various far-left political movements, notably the Socialist Party of Great Britain and the short-lived Common Wealth party.
Dick Tatham was briefly a contributor to Boys' World in the early 1960s but was better known as a music journalist for Record Mirror, Crescendo, Billboard, Disc and Valentine. He also wrote music articles for D. C. Thomson's girls' papers Jackie and Diana. He lived in the Balham and Streatham areas of London in the late-1950s and early- to mid-1960s.
- The Wonderful Tommy Steel. Picture-story album. London, Record Mirror Cardfront Publishers, 1957.
- Football Champions. London, 1965.
- The Bay City Rollers Yearbook. London, Phoebus, 1975.
- Elton John, with Tony Jasper. London, Octopus Books, in association with Phoebus, 1976.
- Elvis. London, Phoebus, 1977.
- The Incredible Bee Gees. London, Futura Publications, 1979.
- Cliff and His Wonderful Life, foreword by Dick Tatham. London, Go Magazine, 1964.
Source The Tathams of County Durham
Image Tatham with Petule Clark.