David Wilson 1873-1935 a political cartoonist, caricaturist, illustrator and painter. Died at home 22 Downton Ave. He was an Irish illustrator and painter. A socialist in his youth, he came to support the Liberal Party, particularly admiring David Lloyd George but disliking A. J. Balfour and Winston Churchill.
Watler Greaves 1846-1930. He and his brother became studio assistants to James McNeil Whistler and were taught by him to paint.
The brothers were struggling financially when a friend secured a commission to decorate the Streatham Hall. "For nearly 20 years they walked from their home at Chelsea to Streatham, several days in the week, summer and winter, attired in their well-known garb, viz., silk hat and frock-coat, with cuffs much in evidence, wearing pink and yellow ties respectively"
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